This HP describes PloComp of Viewer and Converter which displays,
edits, and converts multiple graphic files(HP-GL, HP-GL/2, HP RTL, PDF,
PNG, GIF) in superposition. In addition, PloComp can compare drawings and
automatically attach cloud marks to change areas.
Drawing comparison of printed wiring boardSchematic drawing comparison
PloComp is viewer which views in piles, or arranges and views plural HPGL/Vector/Image
drawing files. PloComp can be checked by piling up plural drawing like
printed circuit board. And, old and new drawing comparison can be performed
by recognition of different colors and change area by cloud mark.
And, since PloComp has about the same powerful input editing function
as 2D-CAD, you divert drawing of design and can create another drawing
easily. Reference: There is "PloCVAuto" that can
automatically compare drawings of multi-page files.
(1) File: Support to many file formats
Black / white and color copy
to clipboard.
(2) Display
- High-speed display of vector drawing, and many commands about display
- Display maximum of 20 plural drawings in piles, or arrange and
Displaying ON/OFF of the piled-up drawing is carried out per drawing.
- Drawing comparison by different colors
- Compare two drawings and add cloud mark automatic to change area
- Color and width change of line, One color / multicolor change of
the whole drawing,
background color change
- Display mode (Copy/Merge/Xor/data/MaskNotPen) change
- Rotation, mirror, grid displaying
- Thumbnail display
- Vector font / TrueType font change of text font
(3) Request
- Compare the two drawings and automatically add the cloud mark to the change
- Measurement function of coordinates, length, area, line width,
and angle
- Search text
- Connected line search, the total line length measurement
(4) Edit drawing (Comment function)
* File:
- New create
- Input file of (1)
- Save to file of (1)
* Insert:
Figure kind:
Polyline, Arc, Circle, Horizontal line, Vertical line,
Slanting line,
Opposite side angle line, Regular polygon, Ellipse, Offset line,
Free curve, Cloud shape line, Spline, Surface, Rectangle,
Long circle,
Text, Bitmap, Macro,
Dimension (Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel, Angle, Radius,
Diameter) Enter coordinates with the key, Insert Same Point, Next Same Point,
Insert-Grid ON/OFF
* Set:
Layer: 1..20, Set property
* Edit: Setup, Select (individual selecting, rectangular area selecting,
polygon area selecting), Move copy, Delete,
Divide/Delete/Move/RouteChange polyline section, Delete line in selected
area boundary, Trim, Change property, Change vertex R, Chamfer, Connect
Line, Rotate copy,
Scale Up/Down copy, Macro-izing, Macro breakup, ReDo,
* Display, request
Same as (1) - (3)
PloComp opens view file of maximum of 20, and one comment file simultaneously,
and can be displayed them in piles.
(1) View file : file to see, max 20 files
Notes: When you open GERBER, please set up beforehand.
(2) Comment file : file CMT to edit, 1file
- Check ON
When selected file is view file, it can convert to comment, and
Don't display view file.
- Check OFF
Open in order to see, when selected file is view file.
In addition, comment can be added to view file in piles.
- Check ON and OFF
When comment file is specified, it opens as a comment and can edit.
"Plural file automatic selection" If this is checked, it is only selecting one file and plural files with
name of conditions shown below can be selected simultaneously automatically.
Number of file name end becomes file number.
File condition which selects plural files automatically :
- Exist in the same folder as selected file.
- Same file extension as extension of selected file.
- File name top letter string of selected file is the same, and
end of
file name is number of 1-20.
Selection file name
C:\Data\Abc3sr5.hgl File number 5
Automatic selection file name
C:\Data\Abc3st1.hgl File number 1
C:\Data\Abc3sr3.hgl File number 3
C:\Data\Abc3sr12.hgl File number 12
"PreView Mode"
If this check mark is checked, where "OpenFile" dialog is opened, that file will be displayed whenever it clicks file from file list. And if "Open" button is pushed, "OpenFile" dialog closes, and specified file will overlap and will be displayed. If check of this check mark is removed, even if it will click file, file is not displayed, but "OpenFile" dialog closes pushing "Open" button, and specified file overlaps and is displayed.
"Draw Mode", "ColorNo", "Color", "OriginXY"
"Draw Mode" (Copy, Merge, Xor, Data, MaskNotPen) can be
chosen as file unit.
Single color display or multicolor display can be selected as file
unit at "ColorNo".
For single color display, you can specify the color for each file
at "Color".
In multi-color display, it is displayed in the color according to the pen number in the data.
You can designate the origin for each file at "OriginXY".
- View file
When check mark is ON, read view data will applied to mirror.
When check mark is OFF, read view data will not applied to mirror.
Mirror ON carries out mirror reversal bordering on central line in the direction of the X-axis of the whole drawing area.
- Comment file
In comment file, this designation is ignored and is always read by
mirror OFF.
In Display-mirror menu, mirror borrows simultaneously to all the
files of view data(each file is mirror ON or OFF) and all the layers of
comment data(all the layer are mirror OFF) which were read.
(1) Overlay the file A of the plural color and the file B of the plural
File A
File B
(2) Piling up the file A of the magenta monochrome and the file B of the sky blue monochrome, you see the change place with the color difference.
File A
File B
The parameter file is a file in which the setting value of PloComp (the file drawing attribute, the condition set on the set menu, etc.) is written.
* Initial parameter file
When PloComp is finished, it is the file which automatically saved the setting value at that point.
The initial parameter file can be saved automatically or not saved automatically.
The initial parameter file is loaded when PloComp starts.
However, the file is not loaded.
* Parameter files 1 to 5
When you want to save the setting value, you can save it in the parameter file of the specified number (1 to 5).
You can read the parameter file of the saved number.
The file opened when the parameter file was saved is opened.
This parameter file is used to suspend the work of PloComp, resume it, or to work by switching between multiple setting conditions.
The following abundant displaying operations are possible.
1. Mouse Operation
Mouse operation
Mouse left button click
Whole display
Mouse right button click
Display pop up menu of often used command
Mouse left button drug
Setup of zoom display area
Mouse right button drug
Zoom display
Mouse middle button drug
Dynamic shift display
Mouse middle button double click
Whole display
Mouse wheel other-side rotation
Dynamic expansion display
Mouse wheel this-side rotation
Dynamic reduction display
2. Keyboard operation
Keyboard oparation
Shift key
Drug ON
Ctrl key
Drug OFF
Right arrow -> key
Shift-to-the-right display
Left arrow <- key
Shift-to-the-left display
Up arrow key
Top shift display
Down arrow key
Bottom shift display
Home key
Whole display
PageUp key
Zoom-in display
PageDown key
Zoom down display
3. Menu operation
Whole displaying
Zoom window
Zoom up
Zoom down
Zoom copy area displaying
Zoom windows 1-5
Shift displaying
Drug mode
Rotation displaying
Mirror displaying
Grid displaying
Redo, Undo of display
Multi-page change
4. Display relation between view file and comment file
(1) Display order
It is displayed in the following order. Therefore, what will be displayed later will be displayed above.
To display comments above the view file, enter 11 to 20 levels.
Display order
kind of file
Layer 1 of comment file
Layer 2
File No. 1 of view file
File No. 2
File No.20
Layer11 of comment file
(2) Draw Mode, ColorNo, Color, OrigX, OrigY
The setting condition of the file number of the view file is set to the layer number of the same number in the comment file.
(3) Mirror display
- View file
A mirror can be specified for each file number when opening a file,
and a mirror is added to the read view data. And the same mirror is applied
to the view data of all files with mirror display designation.
View file screen display = (mirror designation when opening)
XOR (mirror display designation)
- Comment file
You can not specify mirror when opening comment file, and all layer
mirrors are OFF. In mirror display specification, the same mirror is applied
to all layers of comment data.
Comment file screen display = (mirror display designation)
PloComp can display a maximum of 20 plural drawings in piles, or arrange and display.
PloComp can display ON/OFF per drawing unit of the piled-up drawing.
Example which displayed plural files in piles.
Press S key, all file displaying ON. Press F1 key,
displays only file 1.
Press F2 key, displays only file 2. Press F3
key, displays only file 3.
Change of "page", "thumbnail", and "thumbnail
+ page" can be performed.
Thumbnail displays all files under folder having selected drawing file.
Thumbnail and page display screen
There are mode which makes multiple selection of the file of thumbnail
simultaneously, and mode which selects one file.
Mode which selects plural files will display OpenFile dialog, if
thumbnail file is selected.
Then, plural files can be selected from thumbnail.
1 file selection mode replaces and displays file of selected thumbnail
on file of the present file number.
When a file is opened with single color display, it is displayed with the color specified at that time. Normally, when multicolor is specified, it is displayed by the pen color in the drawing data, but it can be changed by pen setting. Normally, the line width is displayed by pen width in the drawing data, but it can be changed by pen setting.
* Pen table No.
This item is applied when "Priority 4" is set in "Setup
of foreground color" below.
The pen table information has table numbers from 1 to 20, and stores
the color and line width for each pen number. The initial color values
of the pen table are as follows when the table numbers are 1 to 4 and the
pen numbers are 0 to 15.
PenTable-No.1 HPGL color table
screen background color black
PenTable-No.2 HPGL color table
screen background color white
PenTable-No.3 Comment color table screen
background color black
PenTable-No.4 Comment color table screen
background color white
PenTable-No.5-20 not set reference: For example, the color of the pen
table is as follows.
PenTable-No.1,2 PenTable-No.3,4 Color HPGL color
table Comment color table Red Pen-No.13 Pen-No.1 Green
Pen-No.11 Pen-No.3 Blue Pen-No.10 Pen-No.5 If there
is no PC(pen color) command in the view file(open with edit off), it will open
in the color table of the specified PenTable-No. Comment files(open with
edit on) always open in the comment color table.
PenTable-No.1,2 Use
the HPGL color table to display the view file. The pen number(= color number)
of the figure in the comment file opened with Edit turned on does not match the
view file of the conversion source. For example, in the view file, Pen No.13
is displayed as red. When this is converted to a comment file, it will be
displayed in the same color, so it will be converted to Pen No.1 (= color number
PenTable-No.3,4 Use the comment color table to display the view
file. The pen number(= color number) of the figure in the comment file opened
with Edit turned on matches the view file of the conversion source. For
example, in the view file, Pen No.1 is displayed as red. When this is
converted to a comment file, it will be displayed in the same color, so it will
be converted to Pen No.1(= color number 1). Use PenTable-No.3,4 (comment
color table) if you want to open the file with edit on and output to the HPGL
pen plotter to draw figures with the same number for input and output.
* Color is changed when pen color is same color as background
When it draws with pen of the same color as background color, picture
will disappear.
When this check mark is checked, and background color and drawing pen are black, drawing pen will be changed white and will be drawn.
When background color and drwaing pen are except black, set drwaing
pen black and draw it.
When input files are DXF, DWG, and IGES file, recommend check ON for this.
In the case of GEBER file, recommend check OFF.
Please refer to Subject and solution about color.
* Setup of background color
Screen background color:
It becomes the color of pen No. specified by background pen
Background color at the time of outputs, such as printer, and TIFF,
It is usually white. If the check mark "This background color is used with
output" is attached, it will become the color of pen
No. specified by
background pen No.
* Setup of foreground color
Priority 1:
If it is set as monochrome display mode, it will become black
and white.
Priority 2:
When it is made Single color display at file opening, it
becomes color
that time specified.
Following is case where it is made Multi Color display at
the time of
file opening.
Priority 3:
"Ignore PC (pen color) command" check mark is removed,
it will become the
color of PC command of drawing data. Priority 4 will be applied if there
is no PC command in drawing data.
Priority 4:
It becomes the color set up for every pen.
* Setup of line width
Priority 1:
It is displayed with the line width of No.16 pen when you
sets up to
"Set to mode: all line width is 16th pen".
Priority 2:
"Ignore PW (pen width) command" check mark is removed,
it will become the
line width of PW command of drawing data.
Priority 3 will be applied if there is no PW command in drawing
Priority 3:
It becomes the pen width set up for every pen.
You can set the font size and font typeface of Windows font.
* Vector Font The character shape is drawn with polygonal lines with a fixed line width,
which is quite different from the Windows TrueType font. In general, Vector
fonts display faster than Windows TrueType fonts. * Windows Font Displayed with
the selected Windows TrueType font.
* Windows Font Closed Line Character Displays the selected Windows TrueType font as a closed-line
character without filling it. Use it when you want to draw characters cut with a
cutting plotter.
You can select the unit system of coordinates and dimensions to use from the following.
* Millimeter mm
* Centimeter cm
* Meter m
* Inch in
* Foot ft
* Yard yd
* PloComp drawing comparison demo video (resolution: 1920 x 1080)
* Request change area
You can search the difference between the two drawing files on the
"Request" - "Change area" menu and draw cloud marks
for areas with differences (called change areas).
Black and white / color file A
Black and white / color file B
Read file A by red one color
Read file B by green one colo
Merge files A and B and display
Drawing comparison result:
Display cloud mark on area which exists difference in figure at
* String comparison mode
Select the mode to compare strings in the drawing from the following.
· Image (convert string to image and compare)
· 1 string (compare row by row)
· 1 character (compare 1 character by 1 character)
PloComp displays the string so that the width of the string becomes the following width.
String width = (character width + character spacing) × number of characters
- character spacing
If you set the variable character width font in the Set-Text Menu, for example, the letter "I" has a narrow character width and the letter "W" is wider.
Century Gothic example
This is displayed as PloComp as follows.
When comparing these two strings, the difference will be as follows depending on the string comparison mode.
String drawing comparison mode
* Sample data of drawing comparison
The figure below obtained the changed area by opening the file so
that drawing file before change is drawn in red and drawing file after
change is drawn in green.
Red shows deletion, green shows addition, yellow shows change-less
section, and the change area is shown with pink cloud shape mark.
If the change is very small, you may overlook it if you check the
changed part with a different color. However, if there is a change area
mark (cloud mark) on it, such a problem can be eliminated. Moreover, even
when it prints to monochrome printer, change part will become clear if
there is change area mark. Display of change area mark can turn ON/OFF.
Change area mark can be outputted to comment or HP-GL file. Moreover,
coordinates of change area can be outputted to text file.
This function can use not only vector data of PDF and HP-GL but image data of black and white TIFF.
Area to compare can select the whole drawing or zoom viewing area.
Drawing comparison sample of printed wiring board
Sample HP-GL data download:
File1 Drawing HP-GL file before change demopwb1_0.hgl
File2 Drawing HP-GL file after change demopwb2_0.hgl
Please select set-pen menu and check "Ignore FT, RA, RR, WG
(paint polygon, recrangle, fan) command".
When you carry out PDF output of the drawing comparison result, in
PDF output setting dialog, please set PDF color operator to CMYK (mixed
color enables), and output .
Moreover, when you see PDF file by Adobe Reader, please select "page settings" of classification with the "edit" - "configuration" menu of Adobe Reader, and set right-hand side "to be use about overprint preview" into "automatic" or "always".
* Drawing comparison sample of electronic circuit drawing
* Drawing comparison sample of mechanical drawing * Drawing comparison by DrawMode when opening file
Set to "Momentary display 2" with "Set" "Pen"
menu beforehand.
File before and after change of the following figure is file of mechanical drawing of the above figure. 1. Display only part (addition, deletion) with difference.
Carry out the next setup in "Open" dialog.
File No. FileName DrawMode
ColorNo Color
No.1 File before change Copy Single
No.2 File after change Xor
Single Black 2.The changed drawing displayed in gray and the portion with the difference
displayed in black are overlapped and displayed.
Carry out the next setup in "Open" dialog.
File No. FileName DrawMode ColorNo Color
No.1 File before change Copy Single
No.2 File after change Xor
Single Black
No.20 File after change Merge Single
Bright gray 3. Display only the added part.
Carry out the next setup in "Open" dialog.
File No. FileName DrawMode
ColorNo Color
No.1 File before change Copy Single
No.2 File after change MaskNotPen Single
Black 4. Display only part which was deleted.
Carry out the next setup in "Open" dialog.
File No. FileName DrawMode
ColorNo Color
No.1 File after change Copy
Single Black
No.2 File before change MaskNotPen Single
5.Drawing comparison of multi-page PDF file
With PloView and PloComp you can compare the same pages in two multi-page
PDF files and get one multi-page PDF file with change area (cloud mark).
The X direction distance, the Y direction distance, the shortest
distance, and the angle between the specified two lines can be obtained.
At that time, if the two wires are a straight, the value between the real
line and the extended line is shown, and when either or both of the two
wires are arcs, it indicates the value between the extended wires. The
line width and pen number of each specified two lines are displayed. The
distance to be measured can measure the distance between the line ends
obtained by subtracting half the line width from the line center line distance.
The following figure shows result after specifying P1 point and P2
point of Drawing data.
Line connected with specified line of vector drawing data can be
searched. Search results are displayed on screen as the specified color.
Since these search results are memorized temporarily, it will disappear,
if it performs clearing search results or ending this program, or it searches
connection of the next line, or it opens another file etc. If it is while
having memorized, displaying, printer output, PDF output, DXF output, and
clipboard copy can be performed for search results. The total line segment
length of connected line who searched is displayed. When the connected
line is closed, the area is displayed.
Search condition setting
Move the mouse cursor closer to the line, the line will be recognized.
If mouse button is clicked here, continuous line is searched, and
color is changed and displayed as shown in next figure.
Surface can be searched when you click closed line with the mouse
left button. Surface is smeared away and search results are displayed on
screen as color specified in "Surface color". Area of surface
searched in dialog is displayed.
It can output to Windows printer or HPGL plotter.
According to the setting of "Display in piles" / "Display
in arrenges", the page structure of the output is as follows.
- Overlay multiple drawings and output to 1 page
- Output multiple drawings on one page per drawing
You can preview before outputting.
* OutScale
Output on the scale specified here.
If the paper is large with respect to the drawing area, a margin will appear, and if the paper is small, the drawing will be clipped.
* AutoScale
When this check mark is attached, the output scale is automatically set so that the drawing area fills the paper area excluding the paper margin. At this time, "OutScale" can not be set.
* AutoSelectPaper(Size, Portrait/Landscape)
Specify the paper standard loaded in the printer in "Paper standard" from the following.
ISO A0 to A4
ISO B0 to B5
JIS B0 to B5
ARCH A to E, E1
This function is effective when "AutoScale" check mark is not attached. The paper size according to the output drawing size is automatically determined from the standard paper size. Also, the paper direction is automatically determined Portrait and Landscape. If the printer does not support the paper size, or if the printer can not change the paper orientation, do not select its size or direction. When the output drawing size exceeds the maximum paper size that can be selected, select the maximum paper and automatically adjust the output scale so that the drawing size matches that paper size.
* HPGL file output
When you select a file as an output destination in the plotter output, you can obtain the following HP-GL file.
· HP-GL file with scale, angle, mirror ON/OFF changed
· HP-GL file of expanded area
· HP-GL file combining comments and HP-GL files
· Minimum unit of coordinate of constituent points of figure The
minimum movement unit of the initial value HPGL plotter is 0.025mm for
both XY, and this is taken as one unit and expressed as an integer.
However, you can change the minimum movement unit with the following
settings. Press the Plotter1 Edit or Plotter2 Edit button in the
SetPlotter Dialog. Correct the next value (initial value 40.0) on the
displayed screen and save it. #2 PlotterUnits by 1mm(Step
Count) 40.0 For example, if the minimum movement unit is
0.001mm, set it to 1000.0.
· The HP-GL specification of data can be selected from the following
HP-GL (low function vector data)
HP-GL/2 (high function vector data)
HP-GL/2 + HP RTL (high function vector data + raster data)
· Convert characters to line segments ON/OFF
· Convert circular arc to polygon ON/OFF
· Convert fill to line segment ON/OFF
· Moving the origin position of HPGL
(same as lower left of drawing area / drawing origin)
· Make multiple files into one HPGL file.
· Make one file of multiple pages into multiple HPGL files.
PloComp can output to PDF, DXF, DWG, TIFF, JPEG, Bitmap, PCX, FPX,
Page composition at the time of output is as follows by "Display
in piles"/"Display in arrenges" setup.
- Output inputted plural drawings to 1 page in piles.
- 1 file Output on multiple pages
(Each drawing expands on each page in the file)
Output Setting Dialog:
the case of PDF output
Various output
setting items (* Mark)
Plot area (AllArea/ZoomArea)
Out scale
Auto scale
Paper size
Auto paper select
Paper margin
Position of drawing on paper
Output page range (Note 1)
Output file name
Color operator (RGB/CMYK)
PDF note annotation auto input
Diaplay page thumbnail in PDF Viewer
Color (BW/16/256/16million)
TIFF-Type (Note 2)
AutoCAD Version (GX-5/2002)
JPEG Compression ratio
Convert HPGL-Pen to IGES-Pen
SXF Version (2.0/3.0/3.1)
Note 1: Output page range ... All pages/Most upper window
Note 2: TIFF-Type ··· Un-compressing/CCITT RLE/GROUP3 1D/GROUP3 2D/Group
* AutoScale
When this check mark is applied, OutScale will be automatically set
up so that drawing area may fill paper area except PaperSpace.
It becomes impossible to set up "OutScale" at this time.
* OutScale
When check mark of "AutoScale" is OFF, it is effective,
and specify scale factor to output in 0.01-100.0.
Since case where output drawing size exceeds paper size will occur when this scale factor becomes large, cautions are required.
In this case, message of "* Over Size !" is displayed on
Output Plot Size field.
* Set Paper Size Specify the paper size to be output.
In the "Paper standard", specify the paper standard from the following.
ISO A0 to A4
ISO B0 to B5
JIS B0 to B5
ARCH A to E, E1
You can select fixed form paper (paper name, paper size, Portrait/Landscape) from the series at "Paper name width * height".
By specifying "Atypical size", you can specify the width and height of the paper in the "Atypical Width" and "Atypical Height" fields.
When "Drawing area + margin" is specified, the area containing "PaperSpace" is the paper size in the drawing area of the specified "OutScale".
When "AutoPaperSelect" is specified, the optimum paper size is automatically selected from the area containing the "PaperApace" in the drawing area of the specified "OutScale", and Portrait/Landscape is also automatically selected.
* Support layer function of PDF with PDF output
When PDF output is carried out in the state of in piles display of plural files, the attribute of layer will enter into PDF file and ON/OFF of display will be formed to layer unit with PDF viewer.
File number of PloComp turns into layer number in PDF file.
* Support overprint with PDF output
When "Draw Mode" is specified as "Merge" at "OpenFile"
dialog and "CMYK" is selected for "PDF color operator"
at the time of PDF output, overlapping figure will display by mixed color.
In addition, in order to confirm mixed color by AcrobatReader, please start AcrobatReader, select edit-configuration menu, select "page display" of classification, and set "Use overprint preview" into "automatic" or "always".
Display PDF data outputted by overprint OFF by AcrobatReader.
Display PDF data outputted by overprint ON by AcrobatReader.
... The bottom of the overlapping figure is displayed.
The image will not overprint and will be displayed as overlay.
If you open multiple image files (such as TIFF, Jpeg, or bitmap files, or PDF or HPGL files that contain full-page images) and display them on top of each other, overprinting will not work.
If the colors(regardless of density) of the superimposed figures are similar,
they will not be mixed colors.
White shapes are ignored.
This problem is due to the PDF overprint specification.
Sample PDF file ... TestPdfOverPrint.pdf
Open this file with AcrobatReader and check the color of the overlapping part.
Top figure Vertical line
Bottom figure Horizontal line
The combinations of red-yellow, red-magenta, green-cyan, green-yellow, blue-cyan, blue-magenta are not mixed colors.
Enlarged view of TestPdfOverPrint.pdf
* Support PDF note annotation automatic input with PDF output
When carrying out PDF output, and cloud mark closed loop of comment
is in data, PDF note annotation can be added automatically.
Changes can be confirmed now by keying change report into the PDF note annotation with PDF viewer.
Sample output PDF file below: demopwb1_0.pdf
* PDF output of the results of finding the changed areas of drawings
in two TIFF files
If PloComp meets the following conditions, the PDF output will be converted to a bitmap and output to PDF.
A: Displays in piles
B: Each file has (drawing mode = Merge) (image data larger
than the drawing size) and there are 2 or more files.
When multiple image shapes such as bitmaps are overlaid in PDF, they cannot be displayed in mixed colors (Merge), and are displayed with postscript priority.
For this reason, without this function, if you use PloComp to find the changed areas of drawings in two TIFF files and output the results to PDF, you will only be able to see the drawing that was loaded later.
PloComp has about the same powerful drawing input editing function
as 2D-CAD as a comment function.
When this function is used, postscript will be possible for existing
drawing. And, existing drawing is diverted and another drawing can be easily
created by performing addition, deletion, movement and change etc. for
Refer to the "Drawing editor of
PloView and PloComp" for details of drawing edit function.
* File:
- New create
- The next file can be read and edited.
View file:
It can take in to 20 files simultaneously.
File number links to layer number.
Comment file: only 1 file
- Edit result can be saved in piles with view file at the next file.
Bitmap, PCX, FPX, GIF, PNG, printer, plotter, WMF,
SVG, XPS, PCL, CMT (CMT cannot be saved in piles with
view file)
Black / white and color copy to clipboard.
* Insert:
Figure kind:
Polyline, Arc, Circle, Horizontal line, Vertical line, Slanting
Opposite side angle line, Regular polygon, Ellipse, Offset
Free curve, Cloud shape line, Spline, Surface, Rectangle,
Long circle,
Text, Bitmap, Macro,
Dimension (Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel, Angle, Radius,
Insert Coodinates at Key, Insert Same Point, Next Same Point,
Insert-Grid ON/OFF"
* Set:
Layer: 1..20, Set property
* Edit:
Select (individual, rectangular area, polygon area selecting),
Move copy, Delete, Divide/Delete/Move/RouteChange polyline section,
Delete line in selected area boundary, Trim, Change property,
Change vertex R, Chamfer, Connect Line, Rotate copy, Scale Up/Down
Macro-izing, Macro breakup, ReDo, UnDo
Personal computer of Intel compatible CPU mounting
- Memory: 1 GB or more
- Empty capacity of hard disk drive: 100 MB or more
- Screen resolution: 1024 dots x 768 dots Above
- OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 32Bit, 64Bit
- It is necessary to install some printer drivers.
Printer driver of high resolution is required to read PDF
- It is necessary to install free software "ODA File Converter" at
input and output of DWG file. - When outputting EMF file, it is necessary to set the following settings of
Windows to the initial values.
"Start" "Settings" "System" "Display"
"Scale and layout" 100% (initial value)
1. Trial
Please download product from this HP. Since product is compressed into ZIP file, please extract it with suitable thawing software. There is a file called Readme.txt in the decompressed file, so read the product overview, installation method, uninstallation method, license agreement, licensing fee, license cancellation, protection release, inquiries, and version upgrade history. And since a file called Setup.exe is in extracted inside, it is installable if it double-clicks by Explorer. Opening to the public on HP serves both as trial and object for formal. All the function usage can be carried out free for 30 days from installation for trial. If 30 day will pass and password will not be entered, protection starts and product stops working. Please order the formal version, when you use more.
2. Order of formal version
It can pay with PayPal or credit card with the next button.
Please refer to Readme.txt file to carry out bank transfer.
Please send the next "order sheet" to e-mail address described at the last of this HP.
Order sheet
1. Soft name: PloComp (English)
2. Soft version no.: 12.0
3. Order quantity: 1
4. Company name:
5. Offer person name:
6. Offer person E-mail ID:
7. Charge payment day:
8. Charge payment amount:
3.Sending of password
The copyright holder will email the password when payment of the
licensing fee has been confirmed.
4.Release of lock
In order to enter password, when starting PloComp.exe, it is necessary
to carry out mouse right-click, to take out pop up menu, and to select
"Run as administrator". Execute PloComp and display 'Version
Information' dialog box with the menu 'Help'-'Version Information' and
input the password.
5.OS exchange, or exchange of installation personal computer
Even if you replace exchange of OS, or installation personal computer,
given password can release lock.
However, at the same time the number of units that can install the
product on the PC is within the number you ordered.
6.Revision up (upgrading the decimal point of version number to 2nd place)
Revision up is free. Please download the revision software newer
than HP and reinstall it. The previous password is valid.
Ver.10.04 August 12, 2015
(1) SXF output functions were added.
(2) Defect of SXF input was repaired.
(3) With DXF output, when there existed image, it repaired abnormal having
(4) Text of Vector font repaired fault which becomes dotted line and chained
line sometimes with DXF and IGES output. Ver.10.04 September 15, 2015
(5) It supported to Windows10. Ver.10.04 November 17, 2015
(6) Abnormality display has been improved for arc of very small angle.
(7) In PDF output etc., polygon-ized accuracy of very small circle painting
out was raised. Ver.10.04 November 20, 2015
(8) It enabled it to set up judgment angle of very small arc or circle
by "Set"-"Input file"-"Circle and arc judging
angle". Ver.10.04 March 6, 2016
(9) Help explanatory note of change area search was modified. Ver.10.04 March 16, 2016
(10) Function when "#2 PlotterUnits by 1mm(Step Count)" was changed
with Plotter Edit button of HP-GL Plotter output was changed.
(11) It repaired that rotation display of file including AC (painting-out
start points) command was abnormal.
(12) In the condition that file in which comment Bitmap exists is rotated and displayed, when HP-GL Plotter output was carried out, it repaired displaying Bitmap on abnormal position. Ver.10.04 April 3, 2016
(13) With HP-GL Plotter output, it repaired that Up and Down length of
dotted line, dashed line, and chained line of comment was abnormal. Ver.10.04 July 19, 2016
(14) Problem when file with comment created by PloComp before Ver.9.0 is
opened was repaired. Ver.10.04 July 21, 2016
(15) Current update of the description of help was carried out. Ver.10.04 July 21, 2016
(15) Current update of the description of help was carried out.
Ver.10.04 July 25, 2016
(16) Defect of LA (line attribute) command in case line end and joint shape
are except being round was repaired.
(17) "Initial of Line End Shape" of "Set-Line property"
dialog was changed into "Shape of line end and joint". Ver.10.04 September 15, 2016
(18) Depending on PDF creation application, PDF version information may
not match notation and entity. When such a PDF file was read, it was not
able to read (error code=10000).
It enabled it to read this. Ver.10.04 September 23, 2016
(19) When HP-GL file was opened in the state of ON of "edit",
it repaired that painting-out processing became abnormal. Ver.10.04 September 30, 2016
(20) When another command (point out menu or icon) was issued without pressing
Enter key (end is illustrated) during comment input, it repaired that display
was abnormal. Ver.10.04 October 1, 2016
(21) When another command (point out menu or icon) was issued without pressing
Enter key (end is illustrated) during comment input, it repaired that display
was abnormal.
(22) Insert comment into file which is not entered. And it outputs without
displaying. Then, there was problem to which comment is not outputted.
This was repaired.
(23) After output, input comment without displaying. Then, there was problem
to which color of dragging or rubber band of figure while input becomes
strange. This was repaired. Ver.10.04 November 6, 2016
(24) Display command can be issued while comment input
Ver.10.05 November 24, 2016
(1) When PDF output of plural files is carried out in the state of "Displays
in piles", the attribute of layer will enter into PDF file. When viewing
with PDF viewer, ON/OFF of display in layer unit enables.
File number of PloComp turns into layer number in PDF file.
(2) With PDF output, "Add PDF note annotation on comment cloud mark
closed loop" function was added.
Attach PDF note annotation on change area automatically by this function,
and when keying change report into the PDF note annotation with PDF viewer,
use it. Ver.10.05 November 29, 2016
(3)It enabled it to also choose blank although annotation added by "Add
PDF note annotation on comment cloud mark closed loop" function of
PDF output was consecutive numbers. Ver.10.05 December 20, 2016
(4) When Bitmap was in Macro of comment, other figures were displayed under
Bitmap and had disappeared. This was improved so that other figures might
be displayed on Bitmap.
(5) When Macro input of comment was carried out after carrying out various
setup, setup after change was not being reflected. This was repaired.
(6) It was made to reflect "Ignore PC command" of SetPen in Macro
input of comment.
(7) When output drawing size is larger than paper size by preview of Printer-Plotter
output, drawing of the right,left,upper and lower position was abnormal.
This was repaired.
Ver.10.05 December 23, 2016
(8) File of only comment data was opened, and when the number of plotter
units set except 40 and carried out HP-GL Plotter output, it repaired that
output HP-GL data became abnormal. Ver.10.05 January 3, 2017
(9) PayPal fee about licensing fee remittance which user had paid was eliminated.
Ver.10.05 January 9, 2017
(10) When evaluation period goes out, or when uninstalling, function which
fills in evaluation result and carries out e mail transmission was added.
Ver.10.06 February 20, 2017
(1) At the time of comment input, function in which it can input after
displaying comment property set Dialog and setting property was added.
ON/OFF of this function can be performed by comment property set Dialog.
(2) It enabled it to issue display command by key while comment input.
Ver.10.06 May 10, 2017
(3) It was ignored when there existed Bitmap which black and white reversed
in PDF and EMF input, and it repaired becoming whole surface black.
Ver.10.06 September 27, 2017
(4) Display of FT command of HP-GL was improved.
Ver.10.06 January 29, 2018
(5) Fixed abnormally when opening some abnormal
Ver.10.07 March 27, 2018
(1) The paper standard (ISO A0-A4, ISO B0-B5, JIS B0-B5, ANSI A-E, ARCH
A-E,E1) can be set by specifying the paper size of the printer, PDF, TIFF,
Bitmap, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PCX, FPX output Dailog.
(2) At "File" - "Create new comment" command, or "Set"
- "Comment draw area" command, drawing size can be selected from
next paper standard paper size.
(3) In the case of automatic paper selection with printer output, when
the output drawing size exceeds the maximum paper size that can beselected,
the largest paper is selected and the output scale is automatically adjusted
so that the drawing size matches the paper size.
(4) When selecting automatic paper for output (PDF, TIFF, Bitmap, JPEG,
GIF, PNG, PCX, FPX), change the smallest paper selection order as follows.
A4 landscape → A4 portrait → A3 landscape → A3 portrait
A4 portrait → A4 landscape → A3 landscape → A3 portrait
(5) The paper size was displayed in the preview window toolbar when previewing
with printer output.
(6) By double clicking the status bar of the main window, XY coordinates
of HPGL unit (0.025 mm is 1 HPGL unit) are displayed in addition to ordinary
XY coordinates.
(7) Opening a number of drawings with different drawing sizes with "Displays
in arranges" and previewing the printer output revised the abnormal
(8) Fixed the problem that character position shifted under extremely rare
When characters are drawn with multiple LB (label command)
without pen movement instruction after LO (label origin command) other
than initial value
(9) Under the following conditions, we corrected the fault that black and
white color selection was displayed incorrectly.
Set to black and white
Data that draws figures while changing colors with PC (pen
color designation) command
(10) Fixed an obstacle in which filled figures are not displayed with EMF
(11) When multiple drawings were opened with "Displays in arranges"
and previewed with HPGL plotter output, the size of the first drawing became
all the sizes, and when the second and subsequent drawings were large,
it was clipped.
(12) When the special output version of PloComp of automatic output is
activated on the command line and the output type changes, the problem
that the output condition becomes indefinite unless the same output is
made in the dialog mode beforehand was fixed. Ver.10.07 May 04, 2018
(13) Improved reading accuracy of PDF files.
PDF reading scale correction is automatically set during installation.
PDF reading scale correction X, Y can be set in the input
file setting.
We prepared a button which can automatically set PDF reading
scale correction X, Y in input file setting.
PDF reading scale correction can be set automatically on the command line.
(14) Changed the output scale in File - Convert PDF file menu as follows.
Applied to PS, EPS, XPS, HGL, PCL -> Aplide to PS, EPS,
Note: This scale also applies when opening PDF ->
HGL applies PDF reading scale correction
of input file setting Dialog
Conventionally, the same value was used for Convert PDF file
and PDF open, but this time separate memories are memorized.
(15) When the origin of the file was shifted from (0,0), We fixed that
only the surface figure displayed without moving the origin. Ver.10.07 May 08, 2018
(16) When shifting the origin of the file from (0, 0), the following problems
were repaired.
* The position of the surface figure is shifted or not displayed.
* The position of the hatching shifts.
* The position of the bitmap shifts.
* The drawing area is not the minimum area including the drawing
area of all files.
* The drawing area of the file with view data converted to
comment is abnormal
(17) Opening the view file, converting it to comment data, double-clicking
the view file in the dialog to open the file, and clearing it will result
in an error.
(18) Fixed the problem that the mirror does not be applied the hatching
angle when DXF, SXF was output with mirror ON.
(19) The accuracy of PDF output was improved.
Ver.10.07 May 24, 2018
(20) Improvement of fine arc filling accuracy with various outputs.
Ver.10.07 Jun 11, 2018
(21) When the resolution was over 45 degrees with CI (circle drawing) command
of HPGL, it was drawing with octagon. We changed it to draw with a triangle
when the resolution is 120 degrees or more.
Ver.10.07 June 29, 2018
(22) With "Length measurement between points" and "Length
measurement between lines", when the dimension measurement Dialog
was displayed, it was pressed without pressing the "Start" button.
Also, while designating measurement points, display commands other than
mouse clicks can be issued.
Ver.10.07 July 19, 2018
(23) Improve not to flicker display when scroll bar is moved with drag mode ON.
(24) When set to display the scroll bar, the problem that the zoom display area and the scroll bar display area do not match partially was fixed.
(25) We adjusted the size of WindowsFont with PDF output.
(26) When determining the change area, conventionally, the same line segment before and after change was recognized as having changed if the start point and the end point are exchanged. We improved this to be no change.
Ver.10.07 July 19, 2018
(27) We adjusted the size of WindowsFont with PDF output.
Ver.10.07 August 6, 2018
(28) We adjusted the size of WindowsFont by screen display and image file
VVer.10.07 August 10, 2018
(29) The initial color values of pen table No. 3 and 4 are matched with
the color table of the comment file. When using this table, when converting
the view file to the comment file, the pen number of the figure of the
comment file becomes the same as the view file. Ver.10.07 August 16, 2018
(30) Fixed an obstacle that did not display the text color found in Request-Text"
as mark pen color.
(31) When changing the pen table No., the mark pen number is changed so
that the mark pen color does not change.
Ver.10.08 October 23, 2018
(1) The following Text comparison mode was added by Request-ChangArea.
・Image (convert string to image and compare)
・1 string (compare row by row)
・1 character (compare 1 character by 1 character)
PloComp displays the string so that the width of the string becomes the
following width.
String width = (character width + character spacing) × number
of characters - character spacing
If you set the variable character width font in the Set-Text Menu, for
example, the letter "I" has a narrow character width and the
letter "W" is wider.
(2) Kanji of HPGL specification is to switch to kanji mode and to use JIS
code by LB (Label) command. However, there is data that uses ShiftJIS code
in the case of not switching to Kanji mode (1 Byte mode).
Therefore, even in such a case, we improved to display Kanji.
(3) When Text size correction was set to something other than 100% with
Set-Text, it did not work correction value or position of Text. We improved
(4) If Text is on the boundary of the drawing size, influence the drawing
area. Conventionally, when "Text size correction" is set to a
value other than 100% in Set-Text, when opening a file, Text area was calculated
with standard size. This was changed to the corrected size.
(5) In case of combination of DV (horizontal writing, vertical writing
character) instruction and LO (designation of left alignment, right alignment,
centering of character string) instruction, there was a
case where character misalignment occurred. We fixed this.
(6) Check "Edit" in File Open Dialog and open it and display
File Open Dialog again, * mark on the layer with comment data did not mark.
We fixed it to be attached.
(7) When the Slant angle of Text was other than 0 degree in PDF output,
it displayed abnormally. We fixed this.
(8) Fixed a problem that caused a system error if the file extension was
not registered when specifying the file name to be opened on the command
・ ・ ・ PloCompAuto compatible automatic output PloComp function for
special specification
(9) When selecting the automatic paper selection for various kinds of output
and the drawing size of the opened file coincides with the standard paper
size, the one larger size was selected. We fixed this.
(10) Some menu shortcut keys did not work. We fixed this.
(11) When inputs DXF file, clockwise circular data was skipped.
We fixed this.
(12) It was not corresponded with DXF file input when Text width and Text
space were minus (mirror display). Corresponding to this.
(13) Text size at PDF input was adjusted. Ver.10.08 November 19, 2018
(14) When cloud mark figures are output with HPGL output, they were divided
into arc units in the past. This was made into data in which arcs are continuous. Ver.10.08 December 19, 2018
(15) The following obstacle that occurred from Ver. 10.08 dated October
23, 2018 was repaired.
When changing the origin of each file from (0, 0) in the file opening dialog
etc., the label figure did not move the origin. Ver.10.08 December 24, 2018
(16) Fixed an error occurred when opening a file according to the condition
by correction of Ver. 10.08 (6) dated October 23, 2018. Ver.10.08 January 2, 2019
(17) Open the file with Edit ON in the file Dialog.
After that, we fixed the obstacle which caused error
when selecting previously opened file on the file menu.
(18) Select "Display in arranges" in the "Set Display ON/OFF" menu.
Then, after selecting the comment and selecting the "Com:
Display Ploperty" menu, 'Data end!' Is displayed. We fixed this obstacle.
Ver.10.10 January 23, 2019
(1) The following functions were upgraded by drastically updating the PDF
reading module.
* Traditionally, when reading PDF files edited with PDF editing tools
such as Acrobat, edited figures were not displayed. We made it to display.
* Text reading processing was adjusted.
* The clipping process was adjusted.
(2) Processing speed has been greatly improved when multiple file conversion
processing is performed at once for the automatic output special specification
It is realized by newly preparing the next command line.
PloComp.exe /z "batch file name"
The batch file is a file conversion process of one line at a time, describing
the conventional command line parameters, and this is described in plural
(3) Conventionally, when a file is opened with a single color, all the
figures including the figure drawn by the background color are drawn in
a single color.
This time, figures drawn by background color are improved to draw with
background color.
(4) When character width or character height is minus in reading EMF file,
it was not displayed with mirror-on.
We tried to display with mirror-on.
(5) When arrange display is set and comment is selected and the comment
attribute display menu is selected, the problem that nothing is displayed
is fixed.
(6) Fixed an error that caused automatic scale correction of PDF file setting
by selecting set - input file menu.
(7) Set "Displays in arranges" in the "Set - Display ON/OFF"
Then, open the file of multiple pages.
Next, open a file of multiple pages with one Window maximized.
A system error occurred. We fixed this obstacle.
(8) When opening a file with edit ON, the window in the surface was changed
from filling to alternate filling.
(9) At the time of EMF output, the character width sometimes became abnormal
depending on the situation. We fixed this.
(10) When the origin of Bitmap data is outside the drawing area, the position
of the Bitmap is displayed displaced at Plotter output. We fixed this.
(11) We modified the garbled character by conditions in HPGL file output.
(12) An error occurred when the width of the drawing size or the height
was zero in the image file output. We fixed this.
(13) In DXF, DWG output, polyline error sometimes occurred. We fixed this. Ver.10.10 February 02 day of 2019
(14) Fixed a problem that an error occurs although files are created by
PDF to XPS conversion.
(15) Fixed a problem that PCL conversion from PDF can not be done.
(16) When opening the file in the maximized state for both the Main Window
and the Child Window, there was a problem that the maximize, minimize,
normalize icons on the upper right of the child window disappeared. We
fixed this. Ver.10.10 March 06, 2019
(17) Added "Display page thumbnail in PDF viewer" function in PDF output. Ver.10.10 April 26, 2019
(18) Since the HPGL file has no drawing area information, the maximum area
of figure is used as the drawing area. The "Set""Input File"
menu now allows you to select the method for determining the drawing size
of the HPGL file from the following.
* Figure maximum area
* PS (PlotSize) instruction area.
Maximum area of figure without PS instruction.
* IW (Input Winow) instruction area.
Maximum area of figure without IW instruction.
* IP (ScalePoint) instruction area.
Maximum area of figure without IP instruction.
* Automatic (PS → IW → IP → maximum figure)
In addition, setting whether to include the origin in the drawing size.
(19) PloComp drawing area (Dis-All area) when reading DXF / DWG file can
be selected from figure maximum area or drawing size of DXF / DGW file.
The PloComp drawing area when reading SXF file is the drawing size of the
SXF file.
(20) The drawing area of PDF,DXF,SXF output file was made the same as the
PloComp drawing area.
(21) Information indicating drawing area is included in data in HPGL file
When this HPGL file is read by PloComp, it is reflected in the drawing
area (whole display area) of PloComp. Ver.10.10 Jun 01, 2019
(22) Fixed the problem of abnormal display when there are multiple Splines
according to the condition in DXF file input.
(23) Fixed the problem that the surface becomes abnormal display according
to the condition by PDF file input.
(24) In the Set-Display ON/OFF menu, when the display button or the OK
button is pressed in Displays in piles, the whole display has been performed
conventionally. I changed this to zoom area display.
Ver.10.11 July 17, 2019
(1) A mode was added to set HPGL Pen No. to IGES layer No. in IGES output. Ver.10.11 August 23, 2019
(2) The following modifications were made to the automatic output special specification PloComp.
When multiple command lines are described on the batch file output command
line, the previous command line files are partially overlapped when the
command lines on the second and subsequent lines are executed. Ver.10.11 Oct 01, 2019
(3) When ordering from Japan, the tax of the license fee was changed to 10%.
Ver.10.11 October 19, 2019
(4) When putting the Windows GodMode icon on the desktop, an error occurred
at startup. This was repaired. Ver.10.11 January 14, 2020
(5) Conventionally, free software "Teigha File Converter" has
been used for DWG-DXF conversion.
Open Design Alliance, the copyright holder of "Teigha File Converter",
has changed it to "ODA File Converter". So we responded to this.
Note: "Teigha File Converter" can be used as it is.
(6) Added support for text format codes (Unicode, MIF, forced line feed)
when reading from DWG or DXF. Ver.10.11 May 18, 2020
(7) DXF, DWG, PDF, and EMF files could not be opened normally when the
decimal symbol in the numeric format in the Regional and Language Options
of the control panel is other than ".".
I repaired this. Ver.10.11 September 12, 2020
(8) When inputting a comment Macro, it has been fixed that it hangs when
a file other than the comment file is input.
(9) When you try to open another file or close after entering or editing
a comment,'Comment is changed. Save it ?'Dialog is displayed. Changed to
display the comment file name to be saved here.
(10) When opening an image file such as a TIFF file with 16 million colors,
if ColorNo is set to Sigle, the problem that the specified color is not
obtained has been solved. Ver.10.11 October 01, 2020
(11) Set Window to "Displays in arranges", open multiple files,
maximize Window, and the default output file name for various outputs is
not the file name displayed in the Window title. So I repaired it.
(12) Fixed that an error is displayed when the window is set to "Displays
in arranges", the window is maximized and the window is closed.
(13) Fixed that an error is displayed when the operation of opening the
file and closing all windows is repeated. Ver.10.11 November 15, 2020
(14) Fixed an error in "Search line connection" when the View
file drawing area is larger than the comment maximum drawing area. Also,
"Search line connection", "Edit" ON to open, and "Convert
Connect Line to Comment" command will display a message to scale down
and reload the View file. Ver.10.11 April 01, 2021
(15) When the origin of the file is moved to a position other than (0,0)
by plotter output, there is a problem that the display position of the
surface shifts. This was repaired.
(16) In the plotter output, even if the HPGL origin position was set to
be the same as the drawing origin, there was a problem that the position
was at the lower left. This was repaired.
(17) When a file containing image data was opened and output to a plotter,
there was a problem that the display position was misaligned and a large
margin was generated.
(18) When a file containing an IW instruction (area clip instruction) was
read and output to a plotter, there was a problem that the clipped area
was shifted depending on the output setting conditions.
This was repaired.
Ver.10.12 April 08, 2021
(1) The drawing origin set in the "Open file" Dialog or the "Drawing
origin setting" Dialog has been rounded to 0.025mm even if it is specified
in 0.001 mm units.
This was improved so that it would be in units of 0.001 mm without rounding. Ver.10.12 July 18, 2021
(2) When opening multiple HPGL files and outputting HPGL Plotter, if there
is a PS (drawing size setting) command and image data in the second and
subsequent files, the problem that the display position of the image shifts
has been fixed.
(3) Fixed the problem that a blank page is displayed in the preview when
"Edit" is turned ON or the comment file is opened and "Displays
in arranges" is set to output to the plotter printer.
(4) When multiple files were opened and "Displays in arrange"
was set for HPGL Plotter output, the output file name was changed to the
Active Window file name with the output order number added. Ver.10.12 December 26, 2021
(5) When outputting to "Windows Printer" with "Output"
"Printer, Plotter",if "Plot Area" is set to "Zoom
Area of Upper Window", the drawing position may shift.
Ver.10.13 December 30, 2021
(1) When "Atypical" was selected for "Paper name" in
various outputs, the initial values of "Atypical width" and "Atypical
height" were 298 mm and 210 mm at the first output after starting
The values of "Atypical width" and "Atypical height"
were stored at the end of PloComp, and when PloComp was restarted, it was
set to the value set at the previous output. Ver.10.13 January 3, 2022
(2) Changed the text of the button in the "Set Plotter" Dialog
of "Output to Printer, Plotter".
Change the text of the "Set End, Output" button
to "Print"
Change the text of the "Set End" button to "Close" Ver.10.13 May 2, 2022
(3) The HPGL output has been fixed so that the image is displayed out of
(4) If the HPGL data has FP (fill) following EP (edge ??line), the system
will be abnormal due to comment conversion. This was repaired.
(5) When the HPGL data had continuous EPs (edge ??lines) while changing
the pen, the pen width did not change when converted to comments. I made
this change the pen width.
(6) When reading a PDF file, the line width of the device-dependent line
width pen was displayed as 0.03 mm, but now it is displayed as a line width
of 0 mm (minimum width that can be displayed).
(7) Fixed the problem that the characters in the vertical font rotate 90
degrees when reading the PDF file.
(8) The temporary processing file that caused an error at the end of the
program was deleted.
(9) When a file containing double-byte characters (Kanji) was converted
to a comment, the problem of garbled characters was fixed.
(10) Fixed the error that the setting file does not exist when outputting
(11) When the program is started, the Main Window size and position at
the time of the previous termination can be restored. When normalizing
from maximizing the Main Window, the child Window sometimes protruded from
the Main Window. It was improved so that it would not stick out.
(12) If you turn on "Image down" in "Set" and "Pen",
open a file with an image, and output HPGL, the image will shift. This
was repaired.
(13) When the entire drawing of the comment file was output by HPGL, the
output drawing size was the maximum area of the figure. Changed to the
drawing area of the comment file.
(14) The output file name is automatically displayed in various outputs
by changing the extension of the input file name. However, if the input
file name contains 2 byte characters, an abnormal file name will be displayed.
This was repaired. Ver.10.13 May 9, 2022
(15) The zoom area information shared by all child windows is now retainedfor
each child window. In the past, multiple child windows were created, the
display area was changed for each window to maximize the window, and when
the window was switched, the same area was displayed.
(16) When the display angle is other than 0 degrees or the mirror display
is set to ON and the "Set" and "Drawing origin" commands
are executed, the following message is displayed. Set the display angle
to 0 degrees and the mirror display to OFF before executing. Ver.10.13 June 8, 2022
(17) When all the constituent points of the surface are the same, when
opened with Edit OFF, only the outline is drawn and not filled, and when
opened with Edit ON, it is painted normally, but there is a problem that
it hangs in the comment attribute display. This has been improved.
(18) Added support for alpha blend bitmaps in PDF and EMF files.
Ver.11.00 July 27, 2022
(1) Compatible with Windows 11.
(2) Code signing was added.
By attaching a code sign, the software distribution source is authenticated,
and it is guaranteed that spoofing and content tampering have not been
performed. Recently, Windows and security check software have tightened
security checks, and there are increasing cases of false recognition even
though there is no virus. Code signing may reduce false positives. Ver.11.00 February 10, 2023
(3) Added the following text to Article 2 of "License agreement".
"This software cannot be operated remotely."
(4) Open a black-and-white TIFF file, select [Set] [Pen], set [Set to Black
and White mode] and [output] to ON, and when outputting to PDF, the black
and white reversed PDF file will appear. Fixed this bug.
Ver.11.01 March 18, 2023
(1) Fixed the problem that the paper size of the PDF file output by automatic
paper selection is slightly deviated from the standard size when the standard
size paper is selected for PDF output.
(2) When the left, right, top, and bottom drawing positions of various
outputs are set again in one of the outputs, they are reflected in the
other outputs.
However, when the output device for plotter/printer output is switched
to HPGL Plotter, the drawing position is automatically set to the lower
left. There is a possibility that other output may be performed without
noticing the automatic switching.
Therefore, after outputting to HPGL Plotter, the drawing position is automatically
restored. Ver.11.01 September 15, 2023
(3) Updated the deadline for code signing.
(4) Fixed the following problems in inputting and outputting PDF and EMF
* Display abnormality of Bezier curve when inputting
* When inputting, display abnormality of POLYPOLYGON (surface) with multiple
closed loops
* Character display error when inputting/outputting a file with characters
in vertical writing font with @
(5) Corresponds to vertical writing FONT characters with @ in input/output
of HPGL1, DXF, DWG, IGES, and SXF files
(6) Character size adjustment and vertical character error correction when
outputting DXF and DWG files
(7) When exporting DXF and DWG files with AutoCAD version GX-5,
the font used to be AutoCAD's own Vector Font, but changed to MS Gothic.
(8) Corrected that the character area when selecting individual characters
was abnormal when there were multiple lines in the character comment data
and the line feed direction was up.
(9) Until now, it was necessary to close the comment attribute display
window for each selection. I made it so that the attribute is displayed
by selecting it continuously in the open state.
(10) Fixed the following problems in SXF output.
* Some figures are not output because the layer registration and the layer
information of each figure are abnormal.
* If the origin of the drawing is moved, the figures in the file will be
abnormal or will not be output.
* The figure of the comment data is abnormal or not output. Ver.11.01 October 20, 2023
(11) Corrected a hang problem when specifying a file type other than "cmt"
in Macro input for comments. Ver.11.01 December 31, 2023
(12) When inputting PDF or EMF files, if "Set" - "InputFile"
- "Setup when opening PDF file" - "Delete painting out of
white" was turned on, the rectangular filled data was not deleted.
I decided to delete this. Ver.11.01 March 3, 2024
(13) The following HPRTL commands are now supported.
'ESC%A'(enter PCL mode), 'ESC*rB'(end raster graphics)
Previously, when opening a file, the image shape of this command was ignored. Ver.11.01 April 22, 2024 (14) The arc of the comment surface is displayed as
a polygon. At that time, I had drawn the arc decomposition angle at 5
degrees for the edges and 10 degrees for the fill, so when I enlarged it, the
shapes of the peripheral parts did not match.
Therefore, the arc
decomposition angles for edges and fills were unified to 10 degrees. Ver.11.01 April 29, 2024
(15) Fixed a bug where a white filled rectangle was displayed at the top
left of the drawing area when inputting PDF or EMF files.
This issue is an improvement related to paragraph (12).
This works regardless of whether "Set"-"InputFile"-"Setup
when opening PDF file"-"Delete painting out of white" is
ON/OFF. Ver.11.01 May 11, 2024
(16) When inputting a PDF or EMF file, if there was binary data of a raster
image figure, there was a problem in which the figure would not be displayed
in very rare cases. This time, we have revised this.
(17) When inputting PDF or EMF files, it took a long time to open if there
were raster image shapes. This has been sped up.
Ver.12.00 December 1, 2024
(1) The quality assurance section of the license agreement has been revised.
(2) If the following conditions are met, the PDF output will be converted
to bitmap and output to PDF.
A: Displays in piles
B: Each file has (drawing mode = Merge) and (image
data larger than
the drawing size) and the number of files is 2 or moreWhen multiple image shapes such as bitmaps are layered in PDF, they cannot be displayed in mixed colors (Merge) and are displayed with postscript priority.
When the results of finding the changed areas of the drawings of two TIFF
files using PloComp are output to PDF, only the drawing that was loaded
later will be visible.
This function has been added this time.
(3) In the "Set Input file" dialog, you can now select from the
following options for "Data format after reading PDF file (Vector/Image)".
[1] Vector
[2] Complex clip: no is Vector / yes is Image
[3] Image
(4) The routine for reading the coordinates of geometric points when reading
PDF and EMF files has been completely replaced, and the following improvements
have been made.
- The origin has been changed from the upper left to the lower
- Support for Mapping Mode, which sets the coordinate system
of Windows GDI.
- Scale correction has been performed on EMF file input converted
from PDF to EMF.
(5) The following problems have been fixed when reading PDF and EMF files.
- Circular arcs
- Rectangles with rounded corners
- Lines are displayed abnormally when moving the pen up ->
drawing text -> moving the pen down -> drawing text
with black
- Hatching angles of 45 degrees and 135 degrees are reversed
(6) Support for brushes with bitmap patterns (MR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT,EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH)
when importing PDF and EMF files
(7) Surfaces (arcs are decomposed into polygons) with more than 20,000
component points could not be displayed. This has been improved so that
surfaces with more than 20,000 points can be displayed. Ver.12.00 December 5, 2024
(8) If the number of closed loops that make up a face exceeded 5,000, the
face could not be displayed.
This has been changed so that the face can be displayed even
if the number exceeds 5,000.
(9) Prevented an abnormal termination when the number of fonts exceeds
32 during PDF output. Ver.12.00 February 21, 2025 (10) Comment data would draw the bitmap shape
first, then other shapes. Therefore, if the bitmap and the filled rectangle were
in the same position, the bitmap would not be visible. So, you selected the
"Set" and "Pen" menus and applied the "Turn down image" check ON/OFF function to
Comments. When ON, the display order is other shapes --> bitmap
When OFF, the display order is the order of data input Ver.12.00 February 26, 2025
(11) When outputting PDF, if the TEXT component point exceeds the A0 size,
the display of TEXT was restricted.
This restriction has been lifted. Return to Index
Note :
1.As for the installation method, after extracting the downloaded
execute Setup.exe according to the contents of the
Readme.txt file.
2.Our product has been virus checked.
When "Windows protected your PC" is displayed
at the time of installation,
if there is only "Don't run" or "OK" button, please click "More info" and
press "Run anyway" button.
3.This HP is always put up only the latest version.
Acquisition of an old version becomes impossible.
Please copy the downloaded file to a data medium for